



1. 下载 Redis

  • 下载完后解压压缩包
  • 进入解压后的文件夹里面 , 打开命令行执行命令 make
  • 然后再执行 sudo make install
  • 最后再启动 REdis,启动命令为 redis-server
  • 执行命令 redis-cli -p 6379 查看运行情况

2. 使用Java操作Redis

  • 导入操作Redisjedis的 jar包
  • 添加protostuff-core以及protostuff-runtime序列化jar包
  • com.suny.dao下建包cache ,然后建立类RedisDao

 * 操作Redis的dao类
 * Created by  on 17-5-27.下午4:44
public class RedisDao {
    private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());

    private final JedisPool jedisPool;

    private RuntimeSchema<Seckill> schema = RuntimeSchema.createFrom(Seckill.class);

    public RedisDao(String ip, int port) {
        jedisPool = new JedisPool(ip, port);

    public Seckill getSeckill(long seckillId) {
        // redis操作业务逻辑
        try (Jedis jedis = jedisPool.getResource()) {
            String key = "seckill:" + seckillId;
            // 并没有实现内部序列化操作
            // 采用自定义的方式序列化
            // 缓存获取到
            byte[] bytes = jedis.get(key.getBytes());
            if (bytes != null) {
                // 空对象
                Seckill seckill = schema.newMessage();
                ProtostuffIOUtil.mergeFrom(bytes, seckill, schema);
                // seckill被反序列化
                return seckill;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        return null;

    public String putSeckill(Seckill seckill) {
        //  set Object(Seckill) -> 序列化 -> byte[]
        try (Jedis jedis = jedisPool.getResource()) {
            String key = "seckill:" + seckill.getSeckillId();
            byte[] bytes = ProtostuffIOUtil.toByteArray(seckill, schema,
            // 超时缓存
            int timeout=60*60;
            return jedis.setex(key.getBytes(), timeout, bytes);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        return null;

3. 编写秒杀业务逻辑

  • applicationContext-dao.xml中注入redisDao
    <bean id="redisDao" class="com.suny.dao.cache.RedisDao">
        <constructor-arg index="0" value="localhost"/>
        <constructor-arg index="1" value="6379"/>
  • 改造exportSeckillUrl方法,一定要先注入redisDao

    private RedisDao redisDao;

    public Exposer exportSeckillUrl(long seckillId) {
        // 根据秒杀的ID去查询是否存在这个商品
       /* Seckill seckill = seckillMapper.queryById(seckillId);
        if (seckill == null) {
            return new Exposer(false, seckillId);
        Seckill seckill = redisDao.getSeckill(seckillId);
        if (seckill == null) {
            // 访问数据库读取数据
            seckill = seckillMapper.queryById(seckillId);
            if (seckill == null) {
                return new Exposer(false, seckillId);
            } else {
                // 放入redis

        // 判断是否还没到秒杀时间或者是过了秒杀时间
        LocalDateTime startTime = seckill.getStartTime();
        LocalDateTime endTime = seckill.getEndTime();
        LocalDateTime nowTime = LocalDateTime.now();
        //   开始时间大于现在的时候说明没有开始秒杀活动    秒杀活动结束时间小于现在的时间说明秒杀已经结束了
        if (nowTime.isAfter(startTime) && nowTime.isBefore(endTime)) {
            String md5 = getMd5(seckillId);
            return new Exposer(true, md5, seckillId);
        return new Exposer(false, seckillId, nowTime, startTime, endTime);

  • 写存储过程,然后去Mysql控制台执行储存过程
-- 秒杀执行储存过程
DELIMITER $$ -- console ; 转换为
-- 定义储存过程
-- 参数: in 参数   out输出参数
-- row_count() 返回上一条修改类型sql(delete,insert,update)的影响行数
-- row_count:0:未修改数据 ; >0:表示修改的行数; <0:sql错误
CREATE PROCEDURE `seckill`.`execute_seckill`
  (IN v_seckill_id BIGINT, IN v_phone BIGINT,
   IN v_kill_time  TIMESTAMP, OUT r_result INT)
    DECLARE insert_count INT DEFAULT 0;
    INSERT IGNORE INTO success_killed
    (seckill_id, user_phone, create_time)
    VALUES (v_seckill_id, v_phone, v_kill_time);
    SELECT row_count()
    INTO insert_count;
    IF (insert_count = 0)
      SET r_result = -1;
    ELSEIF (insert_count < 0)
        SET r_result = -2;
      UPDATE seckill
      SET number = number - 1
      WHERE seckill_id = v_seckill_id
            AND end_time > v_kill_time
            AND start_time < v_kill_time
            AND number > 0;
      SELECT row_count()
      INTO insert_count;
      IF (insert_count = 0)
        SET r_result = 0;
      ELSEIF (insert_count < 0)
          SET r_result = -2;
        SET r_result = 1;

      END IF;
    END IF;
--  储存过程定义结束
SET @r_result = -3;
--  执行储存过程
CALL execute_seckill(1003, 13502178891, now(), @r_result);
-- 获取结果
SELECT @r_result;
  • SeckillMapper中编写killProduce()方法
     *  使用储存过程执行秒杀
     * @param paramMap
    void killByProcedure(Map<String,Object> paramMap);
  • 然后在SeckillMapper.xml中写sql语句
    <select id="killByProcedure" statementType="CALLABLE">
        CALL execute_seckill(
  • 下一步在SeckillService接口中中编写 killProduce()方法
 SeckillExecution executeSeckillProcedure(long seckillId,long userPhone,String md5);
  • 导入commons-collections工具类
  • 然后SeckillServiceImpl实现killProduce()方法
    public SeckillExecution executeSeckillProcedure(long seckillId, long userPhone, String md5) {
        if (md5 == null || !md5.equals(getMd5(seckillId))) {
            return new SeckillExecution(seckillId, SeckillStatEnum.DATE_REWRITE);
        LocalDateTime killTime = LocalDateTime.now();
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("seckillId", seckillId);
        map.put("phone", userPhone);
        map.put("killTime", killTime);
        map.put("result", null);
        // 执行储存过程,result被复制
        try {
            // 获取result
            int result = MapUtils.getInteger(map, "result", -2);
            if (result == 1) {
                SuccessKilled successKilled = successKilledMapper.queryByIdWithSeckill(seckillId, userPhone);
                return new SeckillExecution(seckillId, SeckillStatEnum.SUCCESS, successKilled);
            } else {
                return new SeckillExecution(seckillId, SeckillStatEnum.stateOf(result));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            return new SeckillExecution(seckillId, SeckillStatEnum.INNER_ERROR);
  • 改造执行秒杀executeSeckill方法,减少一道虚拟机GC程序,优化性能

    public SeckillExecution executeSeckill(long seckillId, long userPhone, String md5) throws SeckillException {
        if (md5 == null || !md5.equals(getMd5(seckillId))) {
            throw new SeckillException("seckill data rewrite");
        // 执行秒杀业务逻辑
        LocalDateTime nowTIme = LocalDateTime.now();

        try {
            // 记录购买行为
            int insertCount = successKilledMapper.insertSuccessKilled(seckillId, userPhone);
            if (insertCount <= 0) {
                // 重复秒杀
                throw new RepeatKillException("seckill repeated");
            } else {
                // 减库存 ,热点商品的竞争
                int reduceNumber = seckillMapper.reduceNumber(seckillId, nowTIme);
                if (reduceNumber <= 0) {
                    throw new SeckillCloseException("seckill is closed");
                } else {
                    // 秒杀成功了,返回那条插入成功秒杀的信息  进行commit
                    SuccessKilled successKilled = successKilledMapper.queryByIdWithSeckill(seckillId, userPhone);
                    return new SeckillExecution(seckillId, SeckillStatEnum.SUCCESS, successKilled);
        } catch (SeckillCloseException | RepeatKillException e1) {
            throw e1;


4. 编写测试代码

4.1 编写 Junit 单元测试用例


    public void executeSeckillProcedureTest() {
        long seckillId = 1001;
        long phone = 1368011101;
        Exposer exposer = seckillService.exportSeckillUrl(seckillId);
        if (exposer.isExposed()) {
            String md5 = exposer.getMd5();
            SeckillExecution execution = seckillService.executeSeckillProcedure(seckillId, phone, md5);

4.2 通过 Http 接口进行测试


  @RequestMapping(value = "/{seckillId}/{md5}/execution", method = RequestMethod.POST)
     public SeckillResult<SeckillExecution> execute(@PathVariable("seckillId") long seckillId,
                                                    @PathVariable("md5") String md5,
                                                    @CookieValue(value = "userPhone", required = false) Long userPhone) {
         // 如果用户的手机号码为空的说明没有填写手机号码进行秒杀
         if (userPhone == null) {
             return new SeckillResult<>(false, "没有注册");
         // 根据用户的手机号码,秒杀商品的id跟md5进行秒杀商品,没异常就是秒杀成功
         try {
             // 这里换成储存过程
 //            SeckillExecution execution = seckillService.executeSeckill(seckillId, userPhone, md5);
             SeckillExecution execution = seckillService.executeSeckillProcedure(seckillId, userPhone, md5);
             return new SeckillResult<>(true, execution);
         } catch (RepeatKillException e1) {
             // 重复秒杀
             SeckillExecution execution = new SeckillExecution(seckillId, SeckillStatEnum.REPEAT_KILL);
             return new SeckillResult<>(false, execution);
         } catch (SeckillCloseException e2) {
             // 秒杀关闭
             SeckillExecution execution = new SeckillExecution(seckillId, SeckillStatEnum.END);
             return new SeckillResult<>(false, execution);
         } catch (SeckillException e) {
             // 不能判断的异常
             SeckillExecution execution = new SeckillExecution(seckillId, SeckillStatEnum.INNER_ERROR);
             return new SeckillResult<>(false, execution);
         // 如果有异常就是秒杀失败